We are now taking lunch delivery orders via www.SeamLessweb.com.
Between 12 noon to 2:30 PM on weekdays, you'll be able to enjoy favorites delivered to your home or place of business, if you are between 5th to 8th Avenues and between East 18th to 28th Streets in New York City. (Download 188K Delivery Menu available through SeamLessWeb.)

Chef Suvir Saran launches his American Masala Collection by Wade Ceramics – a line of kitchen essentials and tabletop products that includes Mortar & Pestle Sets, Ceramic Knives, Ceramic Trivets and more to come!


8 East 18th Street (between 5th Ave. & Broadway)
New York, NY 10003
Reservations: (212) 691-1300 or make a reservation at www.OpenTable.com

website design by Tana Butler